Year of Goals Update

Hey friends,

Since I’m already 4 months into my year of goals, I thought it would be a great time to give you an update! It seems like time has flown by since I made my list, and I realized that I still have quite a bit to do in order to meet my goals. I’d love to hear your suggestions on how I can meet them!

Any suggestions you have for more impactful books to read would be greatly appreciated!

I need to make a more consistent workout schedule. Christmas threw everything off!

I really need to work on this one – I have been slacking a lot lately! Anyone know of some good devotionals?

I think I’ve done pretty well with this one! I’m hoping to try embroidery soon as I brought lots of embroidery floss back with me from home.

  • Be more responsible with money – save more and give more

Small victory: we stayed within our budget in December which we thought was impossible!

  • Collect and organize Matt’s and my monthly letters (only about 7 year’s worth!)

I probably should have done this before I went back to school, but it WILL happen before the year is over.

I need to do some more exploring! Hopefully I’ll get out to D.C. soon 🙂

  • Unplug for a week

I need to pick a time to do this. It seems scary but I know it will be good for me.

Thanks for following along with me on my goals! I hope to have some more fun updates coming your way soon.

new sig


6 thoughts on “Year of Goals Update

  1. Beth Monroe says:

    Well done Jessica.
    Inspiring book by Bill Johnson(anything he writes has a transforming anointing on it)
    When Heaven Invades Earth
    Devotional look up the addition references and cross references when you read Jesus calling by Sarah Young. Then spend time listening to what the Holy Spirit would say to you.
    Just some ideas.
    You Go Girl!💃💃


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